What Is My Etsy Shop URL, and How Do I Share It?

From vintage treasures and limited-edition toys to your very own precious handmade pieces, Etsy offers a vibrant community for creative entrepreneurs to buy and sell unique items.

You can even sign up for an Etsy Seller Account now and get 40 free listings!

That said, running an Etsy store can often be a source of confusion for many first-time shop owners. As such, a lot of them find themselves asking, “What is my Etsy shop URL?

The platform doesn’t work quite like other eCommerce marketplaces when it comes to finding the shop link. But for that, we’ve got your back!

There is an easy way to find your Etsy store’s exact URL address, which you can then share on your business profile and social media accounts.

What Is My Etsy Shop URL?

Getting your Etsy shop address is easy. You can literally acquire it by typing on your browser either of the following: 



Whether you are adding links to your social media bios or filling out forms, this is your official shop address.

It can also be shortened using various third-party apps, but you will want to keep it as is for documentation purposes.

Creating an Etsy Seller Account

Business owners might need to open an Etsy Seller Account as part of their business marketing strategy. You can do that easily by following these steps:

Step 1: Open an Etsy Account

Becoming an Etsy seller requires you to first own a consumer Etsy account.

Click “Sign In” on the page’s top right corner to open the dialogue box for credentials. You will then get an account confirmation email.

After signing in, click on the gray circle with an outline in the upper right corner next to the shopping cart. It will show a drop-down menu with the option “Sell on Etsy.” Click on that.

Step 2: Choose Your Shop Preferences

Enter your shop settings: shop country, currency, language, and whether you are a full-time or part-time income Etsy store.

Once done, click “Save and Continue” on the page’s bottom right corner.

Step 3: Give Your Shop a Name

Giving your shop a name is a critical step to any e-commerce business, so pick something that potential customers would like.

It has to be 20 characters or fewer, catchy, and stand out from other shops like it.

You can check your proposed name’s availability by typing it in.

If it turns out that another Etsy store already owns the name, go for your backup or think of another one. You can also check out these helpful tips for choosing a good online business name.

Take your time. Once you’ve decided on a name, type it in and click “Save and Continue.” 

Step 4: Start on Your Listings

You will already have 40 listings to start with the moment you become an Etsy seller. Your job is to grow that number and expand your customer base.

Step 5: Enter Your Payment Settings

Like any business, Etsy isn’t exempted from tax filing.

Thus, inform Etsy whether you’re a sole proprietor or a registered legal business entity under the first question under Payment Settings.

If you choose sole proprietorship, you will be asked to fill out the following fields:

  • Full name

  • Country

  • Address

  • Date of birth

  • Last four digits of your social security number

Registered businesses should enter the name of their legal business, legal entity address, registration number, employer identification number (EIN), and state.

In addition, you will need to provide the full name, birthdate, address, and the last four digits of the shop owner’s (Etsy’s primary contact) social security number.

The next section will require you to input the location of your bank. You will be asked to enter your bank account number (savings or checking account) and routing number from there.

Step 6: Input Your CC details

Along with Facebook and Instagram, Etsy is one of the most powerful tools for selling your wide range of products online.

These huge benefits can come with fees, which you may have to pay for using your credit card.

As such, you will be asked to enter your CC number, CCV, full name, and your CC’s expiration.

You might also want to sign up for auto-billing so that you won’t miss any payments. Or you can leave this part if you aren’t forgetful and pay anytime between the first and the 15th of the month.

Here are the three primary fees you will encounter on Etsy:

  • Transaction 

  • Listing 

  • Payment processing (using Etsy payments)

Step 7: Open Your Etsy Store

Before you can share the news on your Facebook page and boost product awareness, there’s a little something you need to click first, and that’s the “Open Your Shop” button.

So, go ahead and click on it! It’ll turn black once you do.

Now you can start working towards increasing your online visibility and becoming a staple in search engines’ relevant results lists.

It might not be long until you make customers happy and have your own list of best-selling products to promote.

Step 8: Update Your Bio

Speaking of boosting your visibility online, there’s no better way to start than by adding a short and sweet bio and a photo of yourself or a custom logo as a cover image.

You will want to stand out in these aspects, as well.

Potential customers want to feel a connection to the artist or collector behind the store and not simply look at it as another dull and boring business.

One of the best things about Etsy is that everything is personal.

Etsy sellers share a common goal of inspiring and creating happy customers who are genuinely interested in the story behind you or your shop.

Step 9: Set Your Store Policies

Last but not least, set your Etsy shop policies. A great way to start is to answer a list of queries a buyer might have about your business.

You can save a great deal of time this way by eliminating the back-and-forth between you and the buyer.

Setting clear policies from the outset also offers a more efficient way to settle any disputes and improve customer experience. 

How To Copy Your Etsy Shop Link

You already know the answer to “What is my Etsy shop URL?” Now, it’s time to copy your shop link from the browser bar, though there’s really nothing to this part, either.

Depending on your purpose (documentation, business profile bio, social media bio, or blog articles), you might or might not need to include thehttps://www” part of the shop address.

Social media platforms require using the complete address. Otherwise, there may not be a need to use the entire address.

Generally, the best option is to use the entire address, including the first part, to spare yourself any hassle.

Sharing Existing Etsy Links

Head to the listing page and copy the URL shop address until the part that contains the listing number.

The listing will show up without you typing in anything past that number, so that’s good to go.

There’s no need to include the title or tracking information, as the link up to that section will show the user the listing.

Adding Your Etsy Store URL on Social Media

Can you share your Etsy store address to your Facebook and Instagram shops? You bet you can!

Some sellers like promoting directly on social media, but you can promote both your social media shop and eCommerce marketplace account when you post about the latter on the former.

That’s hitting two birds with one stone.

Adding your shop URL to your social media account has the potential to make a huge difference, not only for your social media and Etsy accounts but also for your business as a whole.

Etsy social media promotion can proceed in any of the following ways:


Raise Etsy product awareness by mentioning your store URL in your Facebook shops’ bios. It can be a little tricky, but you should be able to nail it by following these steps:

Step 1: Edit the URL from your shop through the Etsy Seller Center. 

Step 2: Go to the Shop Settings.

Step 3: Choose “Appearance and Looks” from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Click “Connect with Facebook.”

The store will then ask your Facebook page for confirmation, which you can do through FB’s dialogue box to finally connect both platforms.


And then, there’s Instagram, which requires a completely different Etsy linking process from Facebook. Here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Log in to your IG account.

Step 2: Log in to IG Business Manager.

Step 3: In the Business Manager settings, tap the Domains and click Enter.

Step 4: Click “Add New” and paste your store’s URL following the complete format.

You have now successfully added your verified shop link to your IG business profile. Congrats!

While you’re at it, consider promoting your Etsy shop on Twitter. There are lots of ways you can benefit from sharing your Etsy passions on the platform, even if you’re just starting out.

Sell Your Passion Projects on Etsy!

One of the main keys to business success is passion. That’s a key ingredient that will get you far on Etsy.

And now that you know your Etsy Seller Account’s shop URL link, there’s nothing stopping you from pouring all that passion into your craft business and sharing it with the world!

Whether you run a vintage shop or sell anything from custom decor to gifts, you can have satisfied customers anywhere in the world through Etsy.

Taylor Harris

My passion is for aiding aspiring entrepreneurs with their journey to success!

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