Can You Get Scammed on Etsy: A Helpful Guide for New Sellers

Can you get scammed on Etsy? The answer is possible.

After all, scams are pretty much everywhere on the internet that even legitimate e-commerce sites are not safe from fraudulent practices.

Scammers usually take advantage of those who just opened an Etsy seller account to get their hard-earned money or sensitive personal data.

Thus, to better understand how scammers operate and avoid getting scammed, let's explore the different subjects related to Etsy-related scams.

We'll also teach you how to grow your store and introduce you to Alura, a multi-tool platform specifically designed to make selling on Etsy more convenient.

Common Types of Scams Etsy Sellers Might Experience

With over 90 million listings and billions of dollars processed on Etsy, it's one of the top prolific online marketplaces in North America and beyond.

They ensure a strong and continuing effort dedicated to safety for both customers and sellers.

Etsy has a large content moderation team to decrease counterfeit transactions and handmade violations.

They implement a product roadmap and content moderation program to highlight what is permitted on the listings.

Seller education is also a priority, which is why the policies are made to be easily understandable.

Furthermore, they provide resources to address inquiries about compliance and other regulations.

Unfortunately, the above measures won't 100% eliminate the risks, so the question of "Can you get scammed on Etsy?" is still answerable by yes.

Here are some known practices scammers use to get money and information from unsuspecting sellers:

Phishing Emails

One of the most popular means to scam people on the internet is by sending phishing emails.

This method utilizes email addresses and formats almost similar to legitimate ones from reputable companies or organizations.

An Etsy phishing scam works by sending an email to a seller that prompts them to log in with their details using the link provided.

The login page will feature identical elements seen on the real Etsy page. Once the seller sends their credentials, the scammer will save and use them to access the victim's account.

Information, like customer data and payment details, can be exploited, putting the seller and buyer in serious trouble.

Overpayment Scam

If you're a seller on Etsy, you need to be aware of this popular scam.

A scammer will pose as a customer who claims that they sent excess payment for their purchase.

They will request a refund for the "payment error" via unconventional means like crypto or cash.

They won't suggest Paypal or other money transfer methods because they make it difficult or impossible to retrieve the money back.

Sometimes, the scammers want the "excess payment" sent via gift cards to ensure you cannot claim anything back after the scam.

"Unsatisfied" Customer Scam

Some scammers send sellers emails claiming they received faulty items, empty packages, or not getting anything at all.

They may send photos as proof, but without important details like tracking number or date of order.

At the end of the email, they'll request reimbursement instead of re-ordering the item in question.

It's easy to recognize it is a scam because they won't provide any other details to verify the transaction.

Instead, the scammers will resort to threats about penalties or complaints to Etsy if you're not complying with their demands.

This scheme also uses unconventional payment methods, similar to the refund scam.

How to Identify Etsy Scams

Even if you're unfamiliar with some of the Etsy scams, some indications will help you identify that you are a potential victim.

Here are a few red flags you should look out for every time you notice or are alerted about something on your Etsy account:

1. Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Some scammers are not careful in creating fake email notifications and alerts.

It's not unusual to notice some spelling and grammatical errors, contrary to the legitimate messages companies send.

Sure, scammers won't have any issues copying logos and layout, but writing content is not something they can produce perfectly.

Reputable companies are careful about the quality of their messages, which is why it's rare or impossible that they'll send emails with such errors.

So, if you receive an email notification or alert with noticeable errors in spelling and grammar, ignore it because it's most likely a scam.

2. Insistence of Call Conversation

Some professional scammers prefer to talk to their victims. They provide instructions in their emails to call a certain number to resolve an issue.

The primary reason is that it's easier to determine if the scam is possible over the phone instead of exchanging information via email or text.

Scammers often ask for sensitive information like your Etsy login credentials or demand remote access to your computer.

Usually, they prefer to scam Windows users because their tools won't work on computers with Mac or Linux OS.

Once they gain access, it's almost too easy for scammers to get your information for nefarious purposes like identity theft.

3. Requires Immediate Action

This red flag is related to the previous one and arguably the most compelling indication that you're dealing with a scammer.

Scammers are not very patient and will instruct you to do something immediately without offering alternatives.

For example, you receive a call impersonating an unsatisfied customer. They won't accept any other turn-around time to resolve the "issue" other than real-time.

Excuses such as they need the money because of a sick family or an urgent bill are the spiel you'd usually get.

Although these reasons may appear genuine or believable even to legitimate customers, you can't fall for them unless they provide irrefutable proof of their claims.

4. Unconventional Payment Methods

As mentioned, scammers want a "refund," but not via conventional means.

They are not fond of Paypal because you can perform chargebacks, a convenient way to retrieve or hold the money you sent.

Bank transactions are also not favored because their account name and number will get exposed.

Scammers love gift cards and crypto because once they get a hold of the numbers, they can move the funds without many risks.

They want you to buy gift cards in different locations because stores are aware of scams.

If a store clerk notice you buy multiple high-value cards, they will ask you questions that scammers don't like.

That's why they prefer gift cards bought from different areas to avoid suspicion.

Is It Worth It to Have an Etsy Seller Account?

Given the risks sellers could face by selling on Etsy, you may wonder if it's a good idea to use the site.

Even if you choose to sell on other popular online marketplaces, there are similar scam risks you have to be aware of.

That said, there are significant advantages you'll enjoy if you choose to sign up for an Etsy seller account, such as:

1. Etsy Payments

You don't have to be well-versed in coding to set up your shop because the complex aspects won't need much manual input, like the payments.

There are multiple payment options, and it allows your customers to pay in their local currency.

Once you put your bank account details with your preferred deposit schedule, you're essentially good to go.

There are fewer risks with Etsy Payments due to its comprehensive fraud detection systems and a team of specialists available at any time.

2. Reasonable Fees

Compared to other online marketplaces, Etsy charges relatively cheaper rates.

The listing fee is currently $0.20, which makes your item visible on the site for about four months.

Etsy charges a commission of 6.5% transaction fee plus a small amount for payment processing.

The website also imposes a fee for every successful purchase via Offside Ads it creates.

It means Etsy may advertise your listings in other places and will only charge you once a customer buys from one of the ads.

If you want to post some listings without paying for a while, it's possible with this free 40 items invite link.

Although you can't escape transaction and payment processing fees, it's a cost-efficient way to open your Etsy shop.

These two charges are only applicable whenever you make a sale, so it means that you're not paying anything until you start earning.

Since it's free to open a shop, no financial risks are involved in using the free 40 items invite.

3. Detailed Descriptions

One of the advantages of selling on Etsy is the ability to showcase your attention to detail via personalizing your listings.

You can put as much information about you and your products to attract more potential customers.

In addition, you're welcome to upload multiple photos of your listings, giving your visitors a better idea of how they look.

4. Etsy U

For better chances of success, the website offers a community education program called Etsy U.

You can take workshops and classes led by some of the more experienced sellers on the platform.

Learning how to get your shop started the right way, marketing 101, and many more are all possible with the help of Etsy U classes.

Check out the upcoming workshops to see which events are happening. 

You may have to pay a small fee for the sessions, but if you're struggling to find success on the platform, it's a worthy investment.

5. Seller App

Managing your Etsy store doesn't require you to be in front of a computer.

Using the seller app, you can edit listings, manage orders, and respond to queries virtually anywhere with your smart device.

You can also provide real-time updates about the orders.

For example, you're still working on an item, and the customer asks for the status.

Show them how it looks by sending a picture for a more detailed update rather than giving a vague or generic completion timeline.

How to Grow Your Etsy Shop

Once you've decided to use Etsy as the platform for your business, it's essential to be knowledgeable about growing it.

Let's check out some recommended methods to make your shop more attractive to buyers.

1. Establish Your Social Media Presence

Most casual internet users spend their time on social media. Take advantage of this information by creating a Facebook page or Instagram business account to promote your listings.

Unless you opt for a sponsored or boosted post, there are no fees you need to worry about.

2. Consider Joining a Team

If you want to join a group of sellers who supports each other, explore different Etsy teams.

It doesn't necessarily mean you have to join a team with members having a similar niche to yours.

You may join a team with sellers around your area or one that you are fond of.

Get helpful advice, arrange events, and more to further elevate the quality of your shop while creating a healthy online seller community.

3. Become More Visible

There's no guarantee that your listings will appear on Etsy search results, even on advanced searches.

Using good keywords will improve your visibility on the platform, but knowing which keywords to use may be difficult.

You may want to use Alura’s keyword research tool. It provides the most common words shoppers use to search on Etsy.

Not only will you have plenty of keyword ideas, but each of them will also include helpful information such as favorites, views, and estimated sales.

Another common struggle new Etsy sellers face is improving their listing scores.

The seller handbook provides detailed recommendations, but applying the most effective practices may still be challenging.

Alura’s Listing Helper can help you get on the right track fast and easily. The tool analyzes your listings and provides reasonable recommendations.

Even better, it is based on Etsy's handbook to ensure that the recommendations are not violating any rules or policies of the website.

Optimizing your listing means you're one step closer to making more sales because of improved search ranking results.

How Else Can Alura Help?

Developed as an all-in-one platform to help Etsy sellers, there are other Alura features you can benefit from, such as Product Research or Seeker.

This tool will help you determine if your product has a potential market within Etsy.

You'll also get an idea of the percentage of sellers selling similar items or in the same product category.

Another is the Followup Reminder feature designed to help you build good relationships with your customers and gain multiple authentic reviews.

Not only will they ensure repeat transactions, but they will also attract new customers.

Other features that will help make operating, managing, and growing your customer base more convenient are Financial Reports and Marketing and Automations.

Can You Get Scammed on Etsy: In Conclusion

Even if the answer to "Can you get scammed on Etsy?" is yes, you shouldn't be discouraged from trying what the platform offers.

It's one of the most successful online marketplaces, and some risks are easily avoidable.

Many sellers have succeeded on Etsy, and the next one could be you, so take advantage of the 40 free listings Etsy offers once you sign up and create a seller account.

Also, don't forget to use helpful tools like Alura and apply the other tips we shared on growing your store.

Good luck!

Taylor Harris

My passion is for aiding aspiring entrepreneurs with their journey to success!

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