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Ready to elevate your brand without breaking the bank?

Your one stop shop for templates and tutorials that will help you build your dream online business.

 I help online entrepreneurs build a business that inspires + thrives.

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What do you get


Canva design templates to help you stand out and build a unique presence online at an affordable price.


Make Money with Canva courses that will help you say goodbye to your 9-5 and hello to your own online templates shop.


Free resources and templates that will help you elevate your online brand.


How we can work together


Free resources on the blog

Learn everything you need to know about creating and selling Canva templates. Our blog covers tricks and tips designing on Canva in addition to marketing and selling your Canva services and templates.


Free Canva E-book

Grab your free Canva ebook template that can be easily customized and used as you wish. Either use it a base template to build your own or design new ones for your clients.


How to Make Money with Canva

An intensive course on how to build an online business selling Canva templates. The course will cover everything from design to marketing, so stay tuned.


Free Canva Ebook Design Template